

We have spotted GOTHIC (6 Letters) a total of 5 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with GOTHIC and also when and where was it last seen:


Pertaining to the Goths; as, Gothic customs; also, rude; barbarous.
Of or pertaining to a style of architecture with pointed arches, steep roofs, windows large in proportion to the wall spaces, and, generally, great height in proportion to the other dimensions -- prevalent in Western Europe from about 1200 to 1475 a. d. See Illust. of Abacus, and Capital.
The language of the Goths; especially, the language of that part of the Visigoths who settled in Moesia in the 4th century. See Goth.
A kind of square-cut type, with no hair lines.
The style described in Gothic, a., 2.

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