
Daily Themed Crossword Answers

On this page I have decided to post all the Daily Themed Crossword Answers and Solutions. I have grouped each of the pages based on the date posted. For example if you are looking for today’s puzzle its gonna be on top of the list. Daily Themed Crossword is a very popular iOS and Android app game developed by PlaySimple Games. Every single day you are given a themed crossword puzzle for you to solve. The fun never ends with Daily Themed Crossword because the developers always keep adding fresh content such as Packs and other entertaining challenges. If you are looking for the Daily Themed Crossword Answers then you have come to the right place. 

Today's Daily Themed Crossword Puzzle (July 26 2024)

Older Puzzles

About Daily Themed Crossword

The Internet has made it simple to find new crossword puzzles to solve. There are countless websites and apps which add new crosswords daily.

The Daily Themed Crossword is one of the popular online crossword puzzles for keen crossword solvers. It is an online app that is available for iOS and Android devices from the Apple and Android App Stores.

The focus of this crossword is on fun, with most crosswords being easy-to-moderate difficulty. There are crosswords available in a wide range of themes, so players can enjoy a crossword relating to their favorite topic or hobby. Here is some more information about the Daily Themed Crossword app.

Who Developed Daily Themed Crossword?

Daily Themed Crossword was created by PlaySimple Games, an Indian mobile entertainment company based in Bangalore. The company publishes several puzzle games for iOS and Android devices including Daily Themed Crossword, Crossword Jam, Word Planet, Word Bliss, Word Trip, Word Wars, Word Trek, and GuessUp.

The Daily Themed Crossword app is free to download and all users receive a free puzzle every day. Advertisements are displayed in the app, which benefit the app developer. VIP membership is required to access all of the archived puzzles and remove the advertisements. VIP membership price varies between S$6.75 per weekly and S$16.22 per month based on the level of membership.

Feature list:

How Often Are Daily Themed Crossword Puzzles Published?

The Daily Themed Crossword app publishes a new crossword puzzle every day of the week. VIP users also have access to a back catalogue of hundreds of crossword puzzles sorted into five categories: Music, Sports, Television, Movies, and Leisure.

There are also puzzle packs which have a central theme like Musical Mondays, Bing-watch Wednesdays, Around the World, Mini Masters, and Tinseltown Thursdays.

Daily Themed Crossword Crossword Puzzle Style and Conventions

Daily Themed Crossword puzzles are designed to be fun and accessible, with very simple clues. Most clues are puns, straight clues, sound clues, abbreviations, rhymes, missing words, and synonyms. There are very few cryptic or compound clues used. The clues focus heavily on celebrities, sports, entertainment, and colloquialisms.

Daily Themed Crossword has some interesting features which make gameplay more addictive, like leaderboards and point tallies. It’s also possible to play with friends on multiple devices, with each player having alternate turns.

Who Writes Daily Themed Crossword Puzzles?

Daily Themed Crossword puzzles are written by freelance puzzle creators.

Who Is the Editor Of Daily Themed Crossword Puzzles?

Daily Themed Crossword puzzles are edited by freelance editors and the team at PlaySimple Games.

How to Play Daily Themed Crossword

An iOS or Android device will be required to play Daily Themed Crossword. Download the app from the Apple and Android App Stores to play.

It is a free app, with users receiving a crossword puzzle each day. VIP members can access the archived puzzles. Membership costs between $6.75 per weekly and $16.22 per month.

App Store Link  Play Store link