

We have spotted SILENCE (7 Letters) a total of 17 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SILENCE and also when and where was it last seen:


The state of being silent; entire absence of sound or noise; absolute stillness.
Forbearance from, or absence of, speech; taciturnity; muteness.
Secrecy; as, these things were transacted in silence.
The cessation of rage, agitation, or tumilt; calmness; quiest; as, the elements were reduced to silence.
Absence of mention; oblivion.
Be silent; -- used elliptically for let there be silence, or keep silence.
To compel to silence; to cause to be still; to still; to hush.
To put to rest; to quiet.
To restrain from the exercise of any function, privilege of instruction, or the like, especially from the act of preaching; as, to silence a minister of the gospel.
To cause to cease firing, as by a vigorous cannonade; as, to silence the batteries of an enemy.

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